“All the ideas of Christianity might be discovered in some other religion, yet there
would be in that other religion on Christianity. For Christianity depends, not upon
a complex of ideas, but upon the narration of an event.” - J. Gresham Machen
What is the Bible?
On a very basic level, it is the foundational document of the Christian religion. The
Bible is what conveys the values, truths, an overall message of Christianity to the
people. In the Christian worldview the Bible conveys messages from God to man.
It reveals the very nature of God and of man, and directly shows our need of a
savior. The Bible also shows us the means for salvation.
The entirety of the Old Testament looks forward to the coming of Jesus and the
New Testament finds its purpose in His work. Christians believe then that salvation
is not a discovery of a personal transformation but something that happened. This
is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions.
Salvation depends on how an event that happened many years ago from interacts
with us today. This event that happened years ago is tested through Christian
experience. However, while this experience is important, it is not the only thing that
Liberalism maintains that all we need is a current and personal experience of Jesus.
If we have the feeling of his presence we don’t need the message of his saving work
because we have him. However, this is not Christian. True Christian experience
depends on the aforementioned event of salvation.
Not only does the Bible show the need, purpose, and means of salvation, the Bible
provides believers with the truths of God. Christians believe the Bible is the inspired
word of God, not from human lips but from His spirit. Because of that, “the account
itself is true, the writers have been so preserved from error, despite a full maintenance
of their habits of thought and expression...the resulting Book is the ‘infallible rule of
faith and practice” (Macgen 62).
Many liberals do not believe the Bible is inspired from the Spirit. Though they have
rejected the Bible as the inspired Word of God, they still believe they are Christian
because they rely on Jesus. However, you cannot believe in Jesus and what he says
without believing the Bible. Jesus in his earthly ministry could not tell us all that we
need to know about God and salvation. Liberals then have to pick and choose what to
believe of the words Jesus from the words of the Bible.
At first glance Liberalism and Christianity may seem to be similar. Both claim Jesus as
the only source of salvation and have similar values, however, they are completely
different worldviews. The foundation of Christianity is in the truth of the Bible and
anything straying from this is an entirely different religion. We must hold fast to the
truth of the inspired Word of God, study it, and help bring light to a darkening